Try e-bay. You can also get an IPod Shuffle for slightly less than $100. Use a shopping comparison website like to compare prices.
2006-02-26 15:43:49 UTC
Why pay 100 bucks..use the 5 finger discount. LOl Joking Dont you wil screw your life up. best place is Yahoo auctions or Ebay and look for a idiot who misspeled the ipod title in the name of the auction.
2006-02-26 15:43:49 UTC
maybe in a country where the exchange rate is low enough to get a ipod for less than 100.00. You need to find out about your next vocation.
2006-02-26 15:42:27 UTC
u can get a 512 mb one for like 69 bucks and a 1 gb one for like 100 dollars online at
2006-02-26 15:46:06 UTC
I say ebay is a safe bet. Buy from a seller who offers a return policy. But for that price, it will probably be used. FYI!
smart guy
2006-02-26 15:52:37 UTC
You could probably go to a used electronics store to get one, but beware, it is not brand new, and almost all the used electronics were sold to the store because they were broken, or had some kind of defect. (They are then refurbished, but sometimes the problems reappear.)
2006-02-26 15:45:06 UTC
eBay, pawn shop, or you can try one of those free iPod sites. believe it or not they work, they just are not easy to do. try using one of those daisy-chain sites where everyone is on everyone elses recommendation list.