2012-03-17 21:25:55 UTC
Heres my problem... My iPod has a mind of its own. I dunno who else has problems like these, but my iPod likes stocks. I'll be emailing or watching a video, when it crashes and randomly opens the Stocks app I have no use for, or the battery app which tells me how long 5% battery can take me. Once, it opened an app that I meant to delete, a broken game, and froze for a few hours, wiped the battery, and erased all of my settings, web data, and my saved passwords. So, I had to re-login to all of the websites I use, reset all my old settings, and figure out what else got wiped. So... If you can magically can fix this, great. I don't expect anyone to. I know why it does that, I'm overloading the iPod. But what I want to know is anyone else's bugs, or random crap that iPods do on their own.