Cant find where to find Ipod Touch 3.0 Software?
2009-06-17 09:22:24 UTC
I clicked on check for updates, but it keeps saying 2.2.1 is the most current software.
Four answers:
2009-06-17 09:39:23 UTC
Its not out till tomorrow (18th June)
2009-06-17 16:26:50 UTC
It has not been released yet.

The rumored time is 1PM EST - but again this is only a rumor. Apple has not given specifics about time, probably because they don't want everybody updating at once and crashing their servers, ala the 3G rollout.

Personally, I'm just mashing the "check for updates" button every 5 minutes or so in itunes :p
Clay Z
2009-06-17 17:30:06 UTC
It has finally come out just sync your ipod then hit check for updates and buy it for 10 bucks and your done! enjoy!
2009-06-17 16:27:47 UTC
actually the ipod touch 3.0 is not been properly launched

u can get 3.0 os beta from torrent network

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