Lol here's what Im copying and pasting to tons of people who have the exact same problem as you are.
*an iPod is just like a storage device - kinda like a USB. so all ur music/videos are in there but hidden -- all u need to do is unhide them
*before continuing-make sure u have iTunes ;)
*now just follow these steps:
1) connect ur iPod to ur PC/laptop
2) when iTunes opens up - DON'T CHOOSE THE "erase + sync" option. if iTunes didn't open don't worry
3) anyways go to My Computer > Apple iPod (disk) or whatever u named it (my iPod)
4) open it, and open the folder called "iPod_Control".
if its not their - then go to the Adress bar and type this:
5) it will open and ull find folders called tones,gamestats, or whatever. now right-click in any space and un-check the HIDDEN option..
> "apply changes to this folder, subfoler, and files"
6) then ull see many more folders, including "MUSIC"
if its not there, then type in the Adress Bar:
7) when u opened that folder, ull c other folders called "F-08"/"F-14"/etc.
if they're not there, then right-click in any space and un-check the "HIDDEN" option..
8) then there are all the folders with your music and videos! don't worry if the names are "DHSJ" or "FJDS"....
9) all u need to do know is copy eeeeeeeeeeverything into ANOTHER folder on ur desktop or anywhere u want in ur laptop/pc
10) open iTunes, and drag all ur songs/videos FROM THE FOLDER U CREATED ON UR DESKTOP OR ANYWHERE ELSE in the iTunes library. there names will come back!
11) then just sync ur iPod!