2009-05-06 23:35:04 UTC
Assessment question?
What is the difference between sound and music?
Travelling wave which repeats in vibration and pressure- it can pass through a liquid, solid or gas.
Music: Sound organized in time
Waves can be categorized into two types:
Longitudinal and Transversal:
Longitudinal waves travel pararell to the medium in which they are moving in and Transversal waves travel at a 90degree angle to the medium in which they are moving in. Electromagnetic waves are a good example of transverse waves where as sound waves and seismic waves are good example of longitudinal waves.
Sound is a mechanical wave, longitudinal wave and a pressure wave and can be compared to a wave of that created by a slinky, because a medium is present, a vibrating object, and transported by via one particle to the next and a sound wave can exert a force on its neighbours.
Why sound waves longitundinal waves?
Sound waves are longitudinal waves the medium in which sound is travels in vibrate parallel to the direction which the sound wave moves. Because sound waves are longitudinal waves they create compressions and rarefactions which longitudinal waves produce.
Music can be categorized into many different levels example’s include melodies, notes, rhythms, textures and phrases. Music is organized by putting different sound waves together to form a beautiful piece of art. \
Another word that musicians