I am assuming you have Vistas since it is a new laptop, and also assuming it is not a Mac.
Plug in your iPod with the USB cord that comes with it, and go into computer from the start menu. The connected iPod should show up, in a drive (For me it is the E drive) and go into the files.
You may have to show hidden files which is located in the organize" drop down menu. Then go into "folder and search options" and go to the "view" tab, and in the middle section with the independent scroll bar there is "hidden files and folders" and you want to check "show hidden files and folders."
Back with the iPod files. Go into "iPod_Controls" which is a hidden file for me, and go into the "music" folder, which is also hidden. Select all the folders in that one, which for me are labeled "F01, F02..." and copy them (right click, then copy, or CTRL + C)
Then go into your C Drive, Program Files, iTunes, and create a new folder. I would name it something like "iTunes music backup." In that folder paste (right click, paste or CTRL + P) the files you copied from your iPod into there. This file is necessary so the music is saved on your computer and you can keep it once your iPod is disconnected. The simply open iTunes with that folder open, and drag and drop the whole folder into iTunes. It may take a few minutes for all the files to transfer, but that should do it for you.