2010-03-05 05:36:29 UTC
And theres this little thing that really bugs me. I download videos from Youtube, convert them and put it on the player but the thing is, when the converter converts a file it stretches it so that there arent any black borders at the top/bottom of the video. I really hate this, I love those borders and I hate to see them gone, the video becoming thin and "tall". >.< YEs, the screen is square.
I have found a solution but it takes a lot of time to do this. I found another converter but it only converts to AVI/WMV and the player doesn't read those. So then I have to convert the converted file into AMV with the program from the CD and it all woks out fine.
SO my question to you is: IS there any way, ANY way that I can only use one conversion program and keep the aspect ratio of the video? DUnno, maybe configure some codecs or change a parameter line in the program...
Details: I have K-lite Codec pack installed, and the program from the CD is simply called: AMV Converter and it is included in a pack called: MP3 Player Utilities 4.18
Thanks in advance.