Remove all peripherals from the device:
Take the case off, headphones and any other items that might be attached to your iPod.
Use a vacuum:
Take then handheld part of a vacuum cleaner and run it around the device. Try to get as much of the water out of it as possible. DO NOT use an item like a blow dryer. That will only force air into other areas of your iPod and may cause more damage.
Leave the device in a well ventilated area:
Place the device face up in an area where the water will evaporate out of it. What I like to do is put it in front of a low running fan. Leave it there for at least 3 days, longer if it’s really saturated.
ALTHOUGH this probably won't work since it was last night. So try this:
Take it apart – You better know what you’re doing to do this, because you can ruin your iPod and will void your warranty, but if you’re handy with electronics, consider taking your iPod apart to dry out the wet parts. In this situation, some people use the hair dryer, others like to separate the parts and leave them in bags of dry rice for a day or two and then re-assemble the device.