Zune HD hands down, if your a music lover you would not even consider ipods as your option.
Well right now Zune HD 16 gbs are on sale for $197 on Amazon, it wont last long. So make sure you decide fast.Now Ipods can't even match the price to Zune HD's Storage. For the same price Ipod touch 8, you can get Zune HD 16 GB, that is twice the storage with ability to store 4000 songs,or 22 hours of Videos.
Apps and Games are totally Free on Zune HD. Zune App Store will continue to grow. It has backing of Technology Giant Microsoft. The same people who are bringing you Project Natal.
If you haven't already seen what Project Natal is then go watch this Youtube Video
Itunes' sync at Snails pace, Zune Software smokes Itunes to the oblivion. My Brother always used to complain how his itunes would take forever to sync his videos. Whereas my Zune software would complete syncing 20 Movies in the same time as it would take him to sync just 1 Movie.
Itunes is a spreadsheet, you wanna browse Music not Spreadsheet.
Zune PC Software is well organized and the lay out is an Eye Candy, its more stable and Syncs 10 faster than Itunes and never crashes like the itunes. Best of all Zune Software does the work for you it monitors new stuff for you, so you never have to Add it to the Library every time you have something New.
Check Out New Zune Software 4.0 Video On Youtube
Try out Zune Software for Yourself, Its completely Free
Music Interface on Zune Hd is unmatched, say your listening to AC/DC track, you can to go to artist page for it where you can see the artist bio, band pictures, All the albums ever produced, Related Artist, you get all this without ever connecting online, its basically stored on your device.
My words Can't Do Justice to this Product. Check out this User Interface Video Here
Watching movies is such an awesome experience on Zune HD screen since its got an OLED display, which means Faster refresh rate and better contrast and greater brightness.
Unlike ipods LCD screen there is no ghosting or dark-spots on Zune HD screen.
My brother used to have a huge problem watching movies because his Ipod touch would show heavy ghosting and dark spot while watching movies, now he just loves watching movies on his ZuneHD. You can also connect your Zune HD to your HDTV to watch HD videos. I watch 4 to 5 movies complete movies on a single charge on my Zune HD. Battery life on Zune hd for Music Playback is 33 hours and 8.5 hours for Videos.
Check out this awesome game for Music Lovers, AdioSurf
List of Reason Why Zune HD stands out
1-Zune software that syncs with your zune device is 10 times faster than itunes.
2-Sync wirelessly with your device.
3-Itunes is not a better option if you own a PC since its slow and tends to crash alot.
4-Itunes store is also full of clutter
5- Connect with your Xbox 360. Ipod touch wont even connect with Xbox 360.
6-Zune HD has an OLED Display
7-HD video out
8-HD Radio ,based on where you live you can get extra Radio stations, HD Radio has CD quality
sound. And if you like a song you can tag it and get it from Zune Marketplace.
9- It Weights lighter than the Ipod touch, its only 2.6 ounces whereas IPod touch is 4.1 ounces.
10- Nvidia Tegra Processor that supports 3D graphics.
11 All the Apps and Games are Free.
12. Charges .99 Cents for all releases whether New Or Old. Same Rate.No Extra charges like Itunes
13. Best Software for Collection Organization
14. Updates Are Always Free On Zune. Unlike Apple Likes to Charge $10 for Ipod Touch Updates
Cons for having an Ipod touch
1 No Radio
2 No HD out
3 Music Quality Sucks monkey balls,
5. No Tegra Processor
6. No PGR - Project Ghotham Racing
7. No Play Counts
8. No unlimited Subscription service
9. No wireless Sync
10 No 16GB model for the new third gen ipods, Apple saw competition from Microsoft too much to bare so they decided to axe the 16 gb model.
11. Crappy Battery Life
12. Itunes still syncs slow on PCs and crashes more often.
13.Duplicate Apps that's how Apps store reached the 74000 milestone, no one needs 1000 fart apps
14. Itunes Pricing system sucks they charge $1.29 for New Releases and .99 Cents for Old Release
15. Pay them $10 to just to Update is totally absurd
See how much itunes would cost you here