Here is how to jailbreak using winpwn. It runs pretty smoothly, getting rid of a lot of bugs you run into when using iLiberty or ZiPhone. Do not use this if your iPod is working fine. This is for people who want less bugs and custom images. Pretty cool, I must say. 1. Download stuff.
Download winpwn at
(If you don’t have it) Download firmware 1.1.4 at,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw
2. Pwn Your iPod
Plug in your iPod
Make sure it is running firmware 1.1.4
Open WinPwn
Click “browse.ipsw”
Select the 1.1.4 firmware file
Click “iPwner”
Put your iPod into Recovery Mode-Hold the home and power buttons until the iPod turns off. Then wait until you see your iPod turn on with the apple logo. Let go of the power button, while still holding the home button. When you see the “Connect to iTunes” logo, you are in recovery mode.
Your iPod has been pwned. Now onto the jailbreak
3. Creating your own firmware
Click “IPSW Builder”
In the “Add Source” box, add the source “”
In categories, go to “iPhone 1.1.4 Applicationss” and install “iPhone 1.1.4 Apps”
In “System”, add BSD Subsystem, Installer, and OpenSSH
In “Utilities” add BossTool
Go to “Development” and install “Jiggy runtime”
In sources, add them all
These are the main essentials. If you have hacked your iPod before and know what you are doing, add more sources and install more stuff
4. Creating custom images
Click the “Custom Images” tab
Click “Use Custom Pictures”
Pick something
When you are all done and ready, click “Build.ipsw”
Save the file somewhere where you will remember it (i recommend the desktop)
5. Finish Up
Plug in your iPod. Run iTunes and hold shift and click restore
Select the newly created file
Let it restore
Once restored, a window will pop up on your iPod and say winpwn is finished.
If it freezes after this, hold power and home until it turns off. Then turn it back on.
On your home screen, click BossTool
Click Free Disk Space
Click Relocate Fonts
Go to installer and uninstall BossTool (sources will refresh first)
Install anything else you want.
This is the first draft of the jailbreak. It is still relatively new.