I just got Urge for windows media player and all the songs are protected so iTunes can't convert them. Is there a program for this? I'm pissed becase I love my iPod and I love Urge why can't they all just get along?
Five answers:
2006-09-27 05:01:51 UTC
you just right click on your mouse on that song there will be a choose program option you select winamp, MP3 or mediaplayer to play that it...
2006-09-27 16:35:43 UTC
Make a playlist, then burn it as an audio CD, then import it to iTunes as an MP3 or AAC format. Personaly I would use MP3 becuase it is nearly universal.
2016-10-18 05:40:03 UTC
the only way i could see so which you would be able to try this is to burn the tracks (meaning you had to unquestionably have offered them as adversarial to downloading subscription tracks, with regard on your Napster stuff) to a cd, then making use of iTunes, import them in a format your iPod can examine. I had to try this with some tracks i offered from Yahoo's music provider. as a good distance with the aid of fact the RCA, you may burn your iTunes stuff (to cd), then import (rip) them from the cd making use of musicmatch and placed them on your RCA that way. i'm hoping you have a good sized difficultpersistent to try this.